Now on Facebook!


Yes! Having joined the 21st century six months ago by adding RSS, Decent Films has now taken its first step into the world of social media by creating a Facebook page. For readers who use Facebook, especially Facebook users who don’t use RSS, it’s another way to keep track of when I update Decent Films. And while I still don’t have reader comments here at Decent Films (though the integrated Decent Films Mail is a step in the right direction), you can comment on my work at the Facebook page (as well as in the National Catholic Register comboxes, where applicable).

I’ve begun using RSS now, and I find it invaluable. On the other hand, I’m still a total Facebook newbie … and I would gladly welcome any advice from veteran Facebookers on how to make the Facebook experience better for Decent Films readers (or for myself). Please drop me a line!

Incidentally, there appear to be a couple of unrelated Facebook groups called “Decent Films” … if you look for me on Facebook, be sure to search for “Decent Films Guide.”

Decent Films Doings